devroot-manual-arm64 manual


Image Types:
basesdk-amd64 / sdk-amd64
Image Deployment:


Test cross-compilation support for ARM64 architecture using devroot utility

Pre Conditions

  1. An ARM64 devroot at /opt/devroot, which is pre-installed with BaseSDK and SDK images

Execution Steps

  1. Ensure the package list is up-to-date:
  2. $ sudo apt-get update
  3. Download the sources for dlt-daemon:
  4. $ apt-get source dlt-daemon
  5. Enter the devroot:
  6. $ sudo devroot-enter /opt/devroot --bind=${HOME}/dlt-daemon-2.18.8
  7. Ensure the package list is up-to-date:
  8. $ sudo apt-get update
  9. Retrieve Build dependencies for dlt-daemon:
  10. $ sudo apt-get build-dep dlt-daemon
  11. Change the working directory to the dlt-daemon folder:
  12. $ cd ${HOME}/dlt-daemon-2.18.8
  13. Build the dlt-daemon package:
  14. $ dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc
  15. The debian packages should be built for ARM64 architecture for dlt-daemon, check to see if these are created in the parent folder
  16. $ ls ../


The dlt-daemon can be built using the devroot