hmi-audio-combined manual


Image Types:
hmi-armhf / hmi-arm64 / hmi-amd64 / sdk-amd64
Image Deployment:


Test that the songs present play and can be paused, skipped, volume can be changed up/down and audio policy works correctly

Pre Conditions

  1. Have default input/output devices configured according to devices [Testing setup](
  2. In case of SDK install flatpak repos and applications as described in [Testing setup](

Execution Steps

  1. Open the Rhythmbox Music Application
  2. $ flatpak run org.gnome.Rhythmbox3
  3. Play and Pause any song
  4. Click on the skip start button
  5. The next song in the playlist will play and then stop
  6. Now play a new song from the playlist
  7. Click on the skip end button
  8. Next song begins to play
  9. Click on the speaker icon on the display and increase/decrease the volume control
  10. A volume level controller pops up and the sound/volume level can be controlled using this
  11. Ensure that a song is being played
  12. While the song is playing, open the Videos Application
  13. $ flatpak run org.apertis.hmi.totem
  14. Play any video
  15. Ensure that audio from Videos is played and audio from Rhythmbox is not heard
  16. Close Videos application
  17. Audio from Rhythmbox is heard


Audio files play without any glitch and can be paused