apparmor-ofono automated


Image Types:
basesdk-amd64 / hmi-armhf / hmi-arm64 / hmi-amd64 / sdk-amd64
Image Deployment:


Test that AppArmor profiles provided in ofono package work without unexpected auditd log entries.

Pre Conditions

  1. Clone the tests repository from another computer (Note that the branch being tested may change depending on the release, please make sure to clone the correct branch for the release in question):
  2. $ git clone --branch apertis/v2025pre
  3. Copy the test directory ofono to the target device:
  4. $ DUT_IP=<device-ip>
    $ scp -r ofono user@$DUT_IP:
  5. Log into the target device:
  6. $ ssh user@$DUT_IP

Execution Steps

  1. Enter test directory:
  2. $ cd ofono
  3. Execute the following command:
  4. $ sudo ./


A list of executed test with related result (as pass/fail/skip) will be shown on console, similar to the following:

ofonod-normal.expected: pass

When all test cases will pass you will be shown the following message:

# apparmor-ofono: all tests passed

When either one or more test fails it you will be shown the following message:

# apparmor-ofono: at least one test failed


  • The results of the tests printed to the standard output are enough to determine whether they passed or fail.