hmi-audio-management-on-same-priority manual


Image Types:
basesdk-amd64 / hmi-armhf / hmi-arm64 / hmi-amd64 / sdk-amd64
Image Deployment:


Test to verify the audio management functionality on switching between same priority applications

Pre Conditions

  1. Lilliput/LVDS touch screens must be connected to the respective targets
  2. When running the test on SabreLite boards with headphone jack connected, To check the audio output the audio manager needs to be configured to route it accordingly as it defaults to the HDMI output:
  3. $ pactl set-default-sink alsa_output.platform-sound.stereo-fallback
    $ pactl set-sink-port alsa_output.platform-sound.stereo-fallback analog-output-headphones
  4. After reboot ensure that headphones will not be muted:
  5. $ pactl set-sink-mute alsa_output.platform-sound.stereo-fallback false

Execution Steps

  1. Add the Flathub repository
  2. $ flatpak remote-add --user --no-sign-verify --if-not-exists flathub
  3. Install Audio app1 (Example: Rhythmbox) and Audio app2 (Example: g4music) from Flathub.
  4. Launch app1
  5. Click on Play button for any song.
  6. Audio should be heard for the song played.
  7. While playing audio from app1, switch to main window by clicking launcher and launch app2
  8. Click on Play button for any song.
  9. Audio from app2 should be heard and audio from app1 should not be heard.
  10. Close app2.
  11. Screen should be shifted to app1.
  12. Audio should be heard from app1.


(Audio app1) should be corked when switched to (Audio app2)


  • This test case is applicable for video applications also by choosing app1 (video app : Totem) and app2 (video app : playmyvideos)
  • For SDK - Launcher is through (agl-compositor)
  • For Base SDK - Launcher is through (Applications -> Multimedia)