sdk-debos-image-building automated
- Image Types:
- basesdk-amd64 / sdk-amd64
- Image Deployment:
- Type:
- functional
Ensure that the sample image recipes can be built on the SDK and that the commands in the documentation work.
Pre Conditions
- Clone the tests repository from another computer (Note that the branch being tested may change depending on the release, please make sure to clone the correct branch for the release in question):
- Copy the test directory apertis-image-recipes to the target device:
- Log into the target device:
- Plenty of free storage space must be available as the test will consume up to 15GB
- Network connectivity on the DUT as these tests fetch packages and data over the network.
$ git clone --branch apertis/v2023dev1
$ DUT_IP=<device-ip>
$ scp -r apertis-image-recipes user@$DUT_IP:
$ ssh user@$DUT_IP
Execution Steps
- add `run-test-in-systemd` to the PATH
- build under /home which has enough storage space
- VirtualBox doesn't support nested KVM virtualization, so check that we don't have kvm as well
- this should trigger the chroot-based Debos backend instead of the fakemachine one
$ PATH=$(pwd)/apertis-tests/common/:$PATH
$ sudo -u user cp -a ./apertis-image-recipes ~user/ && cd ~user/apertis-image-recipes
$ run-test-in-systemd --user=user --timeout=5min --name ensure-no-kvm test ! -e /dev/kvm
$ run-test-in-systemd --user=user --timeout=180min --name test-sample-documentation test/test-sample-documentation
The automated test should succeed
- Lots of debos messages will be logged on the standard output. Upon test fail, the script will abort with:
Job for generated-test-case-test-sample-documentation.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
>See "systemctl --user status generated-test-case-test-sample-documentation.service" and "journalctl --user -xe" for details.
>Command exited with non-zero status 1