hmi-audio-volume-control manual


Image Types:
hmi-armhf / hmi-amd64 / sdk-amd64
Image Deployment:


Test that the volume controls work as expected

Pre Conditions

  1. The respective target (i.MX6 or Minnowboard) should be on and running
  2. Lilliput/LVDS touch screens must be connected to the respective targets
  3. When running the test on SabreLite boards using the headphone jack to check the audio output, PulseAudio needs to be configured to route it accordingly as it defaults to the HDMI output:
  4. $ pactl set-default-sink alsa_output.platform-sound.stereo-fallback
    $ pactl set-sink-port alsa_output.platform-sound.stereo-fallback analog-output-headphones
  5. After reboot ensure that headphones will not be muted:
  6. $ pactl set-sink-mute alsa_output.platform-sound.stereo-fallback false

Execution Steps

  1. Add the Flathub repository (only needed on SDK images)
  2. $ flatpak remote-add --user --no-sign-verify --if-not-exists flathub
  3. Install Rhythmbox from Flathub (only needed on SDK images)
  4. $ flatpak install flathub org.gnome.Rhythmbox3
  5. Open the Rhythmbox Music Application
  6. $ flatpak run org.gnome.Rhythmbox3
  7. Play and Pause any song
  8. Click on the speaker icon on the display and increase/decrease the volume control
  9. A volume level controller pops up and the sound/volume level can be controlled using this
  10. Ensure that a song is being played


This testcase tests that the volume control functionality works as expected and the user can increase or decrease the sound/volume levels