connman-pan-tethering manual


Image Types:
basesdk-amd64 / sdk-amd64 / target-armhf / target-amd64
Image Deployment:


Test ConnMan support for PAN connectivity.


  • A Bluetooth adapter.
  • A device supporting PAN PANU.

Pre Conditions

  1. Ensure Rootfs is remounted as read/write.
  2. $ sudo mount -o remount,rw /
  3. Install dependencies
  4. $ sudo apt install apertis-tests python3-dbus python3-gi
  5. Restart the system to restore the filesystem state to read-only before running the test.
  6. $ sudo reboot
  7. Make sure an Internet connection is active on the system.
  8. When testing on the SDK image, make sure blueman-applet is not running or kill it.

Execution Steps

  1. Enable bluetooth:
  2. $ connmanctl enable bluetooth
  3. Start Bluetooth tethering:
  4. $ connmanctl tether bluetooth on
  5. Start simple agent:
  6. $ /usr/lib/chaiwala-tests/bluez/simple-agent -y
  7. On the other device, scan for the Bluetooth device and pair with, then connect to the Bluetooth PAN. Most phones(?) don't actually support tethering to another device (as they, by definition, already have an internet connection) but connecting a computer and asking, say, NetworkManager to connect to the newly paired bluetooth device should work just fine (when testing in this case, ensure all other connections are disabled!)


If connections succeeds and you are able to navigate on the internet then it works.


  • Warning: Connman changes are persistent (over reboot!). After finishing testing, it might be wise to perform the dhcp test to ensure that the network is in a sensible state.
  • For ALL tests the enable step will give an "In progress" error if the device is already enabled. This is to be expected.