grilo automated


Image Types:
basesdk-amd64 / minimal-armhf-internal / minimal-armhf / minimal-arm64 / minimal-amd64 / sdk-amd64 / target-armhf-internal / target-armhf / target-amd64
Image Deployment:


Check grilo metadata notifications, and filesystem browsing.

Pre Conditions

  1. Ensure Rootfs is remounted as read/write.
  2. $ sudo mount -o remount,rw /
  3. Install dependencies
  4. $ sudo apt install apertis-tests gir1.2-grilo-0.3 grilo-plugins-0.3 python3 python3-gi
  5. Restart the system to restore the filesystem state to read-only before running the test.
  6. $ sudo reboot
  7. Clone the tests repository from another computer (Note that the branch being tested may change depending on the release, please make sure to clone the correct branch for the release in question):
  8. $ git clone --branch apertis/v2022dev1
  9. Copy the test directory apertis-tests to the target device:
  10. $ DUT_IP=<device-ip>
    $ scp -r apertis-tests user@$DUT_IP:
  11. Log into the target device:
  12. $ ssh user@$DUT_IP

Execution Steps

  1. Enter test directory:
  2. $ cd apertis-tests
  3. Execute the following command:
  4. $ common/run-test-in-systemd --timeout=900 --basename grilo/automated/


The output should be similar to this one:

GriloTest: filesystem notifications

GriloTest: received 'content-changed' signal: file:///tmp/test-grilo-Y7UF7X added

GriloTest: received 'content-changed' signal: file:///tmp/test-grilo-Y7UF7X added

GriloTest: received 'content-changed' signal: file:///tmp/test-grilo-Y7UF7X/subdir added

GriloTest: received 'content-changed' signal: file:///tmp/test-grilo-Y7UF7X/subdir added

GriloTest: received 'content-changed' signal: file:///tmp/test-grilo-Y7UF7X changed

GriloTest: received 'content-changed' signal: file:///tmp/test-grilo-Y7UF7X/subdir removed

GriloTest: received 'content-changed' signal: file:///tmp/test-grilo-Y7UF7X/subdir removed

GriloTest: received 'content-changed' signal: file:///tmp/test-grilo-Y7UF7X removed

GriloTest: received 'content-changed' signal: file:///tmp/test-grilo-Y7UF7X removed

(python3:1426): Grilo-WARNING **: [filesystem] grl-filesystem.c:711: Got error: No such file or directory

ApertisTest: copying medias to /tmp/test-grilo-Y7UF7X

GriloTest: filesystem browse

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Videos/big_buck_bunny_smaller.ogv

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Pictures/320px-European_Common_Frog_Rana_temporaria.jpg

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Pictures/collabora-logo-big.png

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Music/Ghosts.pls

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Music/Generic_Sounds.pls

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Music/Ghosts.m3u

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Music/generic.oga

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Music/generic.wav

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Music/generic.mp3

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Music/generic.flac

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Music/generic-no-artwork.mp3

GriloTest: playlist

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Music/audio/generic.mp3

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Music/audio/generic.flac

GriloBrowserMixin: add media Music/audio/generic.oga



Ran 1 test in 0.076s


If any test failed, they will be listed instead of the success message:

[python backtrace]

FAILED (errors=1)