sdk-persistent-disk manual
- Image Types:
- basesdk-amd64 / sdk-amd64
- Image Deployment:
- Type:
- compatibility
Tests that persistent disk can be used when upgrading the SDK.
Pre Conditions
- Python3, e.g. see
- `paramiko` package should be installed for Python3 by running:
- A virtual disk image (compressed or not) or a URL from which to get it from:
- Clone of the apertis-tests repository:
$ pip3 install paramiko
$ git clone
Execution Steps
- For Windows:
- Execute the psdk-test script from the apertis-tests repository, passing the URL or path to the Apertis SDK VDI image, for example:
- This will complete the execution of the tests, please check that the expected result is obtained.
$ cp apertis-tests/psdk-test/ apertis-tests/psdk-test/psdk-test.ini
Edit apertis-tests/psdk-test/psdk-test.ini with the correct values, for example:
vboxmanage_path = C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe
$ cd apertis-tests/psdk-test
$ ./psdk-test <apertis_sdk_image>
Test should end up with:
SDK Persistent disk tests:
etc - PASS
home - PASS
opt - PASS
- The psdk-test script starts and powers off the virtual machine several times.