agl-compositor manual


Image Types:
target-armhf / target-amd64
Image Deployment:


Test that agl-compositor is able to run, it can show popups and gnome-menus is able to show and launch installed applications.


  • A monitor connected to the testing target.

Execution Steps

  1. Install agl-compositor package
  2. $ sudo apt-get install agl-compositor
  3. Configure user-session-launcher to start agl-compositor
  4. $ sudo sed -i 's@^Exec=.*@Exec=/usr/bin/agl-compositor@' /etc/xdg/user-session-launcher/session.launcher
  5. Reboot the machine
  6. $ sudo reboot
  7. Verify that a desktop shows in screen
  8. Click the indicator for clock and volume in the bottom left to display a popup with additional information
  9. Click the launcher button in the top left to display the available apps
  10. Verify that a list of applications is shown
  11. Enable Development repositories
  12. $ sudo apertis-dev
  13. Install pavucontrol
  14. $ sudo apt install pavucontrol
  15. Click on launcher button in the top left to display the installed apps
  16. Verify that the "PulseAudio Volume Control" application icon is shown
  17. Click on the icon
  18. Verify that the "PulseAudio Volume Control" application is launched


Initially this test shows the Maynard desktop.

When clicking the indicator for clock and volume a popup is show.

When clicking the launcher button the first time a list of applications is shown.

When clicking the launcher button after installing pavucontrol the icon "Pulse Audio Volume Control" is in the list.

When clicking the icon "Pulse Audio Volume Control" the application is launched.